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Jason Edson

“Story-driven public speaker with a background in healthcare and community based solutions.”


About Me

Jason spent nearly two decades in emergency medicine, starting as a volunteer firefighter, becoming a paramedic, and eventually supervising ambulance services in three states. In that time, he worked towards creating regulatory reforms for ambulance providers, worked to improve patient care, and received several awards for extraordinary efforts in the saving of a human life. As a Captain on his local Fire Department Jason ran the training department for a decade.

Since transitioning to his current role, Jason has spent the past few years travelling the country talking about Healthcare, how human beings are capable of amazing things, and other eclectic topics. He spends most of him time talking about how improving access to healthcare is the most important thing we can do for reform right now, how a one size fits all approach to healthcare reform won’t work, and what policy reforms we can make today to help people take control of their healthcare. Jason is now looking to do that in additional settings beyond the events he speaks at now.

Having worked in both urban and rural environments, Jason’s background and experiences have given him a unique insight on the healthcare system and what we can do to fix it. 

Jason is still a paramedic, volunteering on his hometown ambulance while living in Western Massachusetts with his wife and three boys. In addition to his speaking and paramedic work, he brews his own craft beer, is a member of the county agricultural society, and is a youth hockey coach.

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