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Jan Malloch

“As an upbeat, positive, and at times amusing older woman, I'm passionate about coaching women over 50 to improve their health and fitness.”


About Me

I got into the "Fitness Space" purely by accident.

Back in 2017 at the age of 61, I decided to be a volunteer with the Ageing Well Project run by the local gym. I thought I would be making cups of tea, but instead, I was asked to train as a seated exercise instructor for frail older adults. I accepted the challenge and ran classes as a volunteer for a year. I then moved on to doing this on a self-employed basis.

By 2019, I reckoned it was time to take this new path a lot more seriously. I studied to be a Gym Instructor and then a Personal Trainer (I was 64 by then). Because I wanted to work with older women, I did a specialist qualification to work with older adults, and those with long-term medical conditions.

I now provide online coaching programs for women around the world.

As we get older, we want to ensure that we remain active and independent. We want to be as pain-free as possible and to enjoy life.

I am so grateful that I have the knowledge and skills to make a dramatic difference to the lives of so many older women throughout the world.

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