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Jan Broders

“Experienced interviewee with captivating story: from collapsing at work at age 27 to coaching high performers and consulting large companies”


About Me

Hi, my name is Jan - after burning out at the age of only 27 (literally collapsing in the middle of the hotel lobby I was working at) I had to spend 2 months in a clinic to recover and get back on my feet. That day was the worst and best day of my life as it led me to turn around completely -> I traveled the world for 3 years, became a dad somewhere along the way, and started my own coaching practice. Today I live in Mallorca, Spain with my wife and 2 kids.

I have run my exclusive coaching practice for 7 years now, supporting high achievers and working with large corporations on implementing mindfulness, stress management, and resilience programs. I have coached supermodels, executives, members of parliament, doctors & psychologists.

I'd be honored to share my story, what has helped me in terms of #mentalhealth and #stressmanagement and how I apply these ideas to corporate America and Europe.

I regularly do speaking gigs and appear in podcasts etc. so I know how to share a captivating story and inspire your audience.

Also, I am happy to share the episode and your podcast with my community of 15.000 Email subscribers.

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