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Jamilla Phillip

“Hi there, I'm Jamilla, a Business Coach specializing in helping business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs turn their skills into income.”


About Me

Hey there! If we haven't met yet, I'm Jamilla Phillip. I am a Psychotherapist by day, business owner by night, and building profitable side hustles is my superpower! I'm the owner of The Business Gym and I've been an online business owner since 2010. I specialize in helping business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs turn their ideas into income. You can read more about me and The Business Gym here.

I started The Business Gym as a resource for my community to learn about the importance of owning your own business, building your own brand, and working towards financial freedom.

At The Business Gym, our secret sauce is that we’re really good at breaking down business concepts into simple, practical action steps that will move your business in the right direction towards consistent income. We give our clients every single step, template, and strategy that we use in our own businesses for continued growth.  

With a student roster of over 1000+, my goal is to continue sharing business resources to those who are interested in turning their ideas and passions into six-figure side hustles.

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