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Profile artwork for J. Rosemarie (Jennifer) Francis

J. Rosemarie (Jennifer) Francis

“I host two podcasts and mentor new podcasters. I can talk about the overcomer's mindset, whether you are a single mom or a podcaster.”


About Me

I'm fun and creative but a deep thinker as well. 

Living a life on purpose is important to me. So is living that life by faith. 

I'm a great fit for a podcast that focuses on the role of mothers, perseverance through work challenges, and what it means to live your best life as an empty nester after mothering solo. 

I can also address the mindset around wanting to start a podcast.

I drove 900 miles with her kids and all our belongings packed into our Toyota Camry to accept a two-week job. I didn’t even know where we would live.

I'm not afraid to try new things and explore new possibilities which is what accepting a new guest for your podcast is like, right? As the host of two podcasts on different topics, she understands this concept.

Happy to be a fill-in guest for your show but can talk about:

-Insights on solo moms in jail

- Tools and strategies to start and grow a podcast

- Why does a new podcaster need a mentor

- Empty Nest After 50: Building a life after mothering solo

- What it means to have the courage to believe 

- The sacrifices and fortitude it takes to raise three sons on your own (having multiple careers/jobs, dealing with being homeless, traveling across several states for work, etc.)

Multi-career in finance, real estate, and insurance including 12 years on Wall Street. My background is diverse and I'm well versed in multiple topics. i.e. I'm multi-dimensional.

Hobbies: reading, journaling, learning.

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Profile artwork for J. Rosemarie (Jennifer) Francis
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