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Edy Nathan

“I love talking about the issues people don't want to talk about: Grief, Loss, Sex and Mental Health”


About Me

The cave awaits. It’s dark, it hurts, it’s a place no one chooses. I have a love – hate relationship with the cave. Being in it means I’m facing a loss. Being in it means daring to live with it. Evoking the depths of the soul’s work. This dark place offers you a chance to meet the shadows of grief and mourning. Given the chance, it will transform you from a stuck state of being into metamorphosis. Knowing the pain is one thing, believing it will change, is hard to imagine. This is what the work of grief, loss and trauma is all about. I offer a new way to think about tangling with a potent adversary. Yes, NYU, for a masters, and Fordham for another master’s and University of Michigan for a sex therapist certification, make the conversations around what we’d rather not talk about, grounded, and powerfully life changing. It’s time. To Dare to Live.

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