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Debbie Ausburn

“I am a social-worker-turned-lawyer who enjoys sharing the lessons that my clients, my foster children, and my stepchildren have taught me.”


About Me

I have never had biological children, but between former foster children and stepchildren, I have collected 7 children and 10 grandchildren. The lessons they taught me are the core of my book, Raising Other People’s Children: What Foster Parenting Taught Me About Bringing Together a Blended Family. In my work life, I am an attorney who defends youth-serving organizations. Before attending law school, I served as a social worker with a juvenile court in metro Atlanta. In the years since law school, I have served as a criminal prosecutor of crimes against children, a Board member with youth-serving organizations, a foster parent, stepparent, and kinship care parent. I blog about parenting issues at and about legal issues at

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