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David Wann

“Author, filmmaker, and speaker on the topic of sustainable lifestyles and designs. Author, Tickling the Bear, about a band of change-makers.”


About Me

David Wann is an author, filmmaker, market gardener, amateur musician, father, husband and co-founder of a cohousing neighborhood in Colorado, where he's lived for 26 years, providing organic produce for 27 households. His non-fiction books include Affluenza (a best seller); Biologic; Deep Design; Superbia: 31 Ways to create sustainable Suburbs; Reinventing Community; Simple prosperity; The New Normal; and Log Rhythms. His new novel, Tickling the Bear, a “first novel,”portrays a small band of colorful, purposeful change makers on the cusp of a new society. He's written hundreds of articles and produced five TV documentaries seen by 20 million. He’s also been interviewed often on Colorado Public Radio and other NPR affiliates.

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