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David Hernandez

“I'm a behavioral health coach and I help people live a life of freedom through health using a simple, smart and sustainable approach.”


About Me

David Hernandez is a passionate, inspiring, and motivated individual who lifts others up in his belief that each of us was designed to live a life of purpose. He is on a mission to help struggling individuals learn to live a healthy, fun, and engaging life without resorting to emotional eating, diets, restrictive meal plans or depriving themselves of the foods they love. When people learn THE RIGHT principles, weight release becomes fun and achievable. He’s seen it happen, year after year.

He is not only a recognized Health and Fitness Professional but a trusted lifestyle and emotional mindset coach. He is a certified personal trainer, business owner, fitness consultant, speaker, nutrition specialist, mindset trainer, emotional teacher and a trusted coach who loves to help people discover their true potential.

After losing his childhood best friend to obesity at the age of 21, David knows the struggle that can come from living an unhealthy lifestyle. This is why he made the decision, right then and there, that no one he loved or cared about would ever struggle with or fall victim to health issues again, if he could help it. This tragedy served as the fuel for his passion to help people, not just with weight issues, but with all of their emotional, mindset, health and fitness concerns.

David is the founder of Body By Purpose and the creator of the Elite Champion Fitness Academy, a company designed to equip individuals mentally, emotionally, and physically to reach their potential and fulfill their purpose in life.

My Health and Fitness Academy, "The Elite Champion Fitness Academy," includes exercise, nutrition, mindset training, habits training, and much more. I pride myself on educating others about how to create generational health using two essential principles that most people leave out. It is our identity and habits of thinking that create patterns of failure in our lives, and if we correct them, we can create change in any area of life. People are often stunned and amazed to find that there is a champion inside of them that they didn't know how to tap in to, and if they change these two principles, they really are, Not Defeated.

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