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Dave Dolphin

“I am a storyteller, documenting my midlife crisis on YouTube. When you share experiences you realize you're not so different after all.”


About Me

Since July 2021, I create content that helps people in the middle of life see their value and purpose. Most of it comes in the form of lighthearted, relatable vlogs and short-form videos on Instagram and Facebook, but I believe there's a lot of power in the phrase "me too."

As someone who's approaching 50 myself, there's a lot of emotions that come with that. I know too many people my age that are struggling. Life didn’t turn out the way they expected, and as it keeps on changing they are having a hard time changing with it. So, I share my life experiences in effort to encourage others to see their value and purpose at any life stage.

Some life experiences I can share with your audience are:

  • Fighting for your marriage and being your spouse's best friend
  • The two books that changed my marriage forever
  • How parenting changes as your kids become teenagers
  • Being a recovering self-diagnosed work-a-holic
  • Mentorship and sharing your experiences with the next generation
  • Fighting cancer during a pandemic and why I feel guilty about it
  • Recovering from church hurt as a pastor being forced out
  • Using YouTube and social media to tell stories and connect with an audience

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