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Darrell Evans

“Investor & Business Mentor | I help entrepreneurs grow and scale. $300M+ in client revenue. I love to share the frameworks that have worked.”


About Me

With over 30 years of entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, and personal growth, I pretend I don't know anything every day. It's what I call a "CANI (Constant and Never-Ending Improvement) MindSet."

If you consider having me as a guest on your podcast, I can share insights with your audience about:

  • What it's been like helping companies (even bootstrapped startups) grow and scale past the seven and eight-figure mark since 2011.
  • Developing their unique Entrepreneurial DNA.
  • How to build superstar teams that free them from micromanaging and operations
  • Lean marketing plan methodologies and or my ATM growth marketing framework
  • The six-question framework for closing high ticket sales

It's natural for you to wonder if I can bring value to your audience. I've put together this page for you to review:

If it seems to be a fit, message me, and let's discuss.

I also run produce The MindShift Podcast, check it out here =>

If you feel that you would like to share your expertise with my audience, message me so we can discuss a collaboration.

More about me

Are you a small to mid-sized business struggling to generate the kind of revenue and growth you know is possible? You're not alone. Many companies struggle to build their brand, attract leads, and close sales, despite investing significant time and resources into their marketing efforts.

Enter Darrell Evans, a serial entrepreneur and investor with a proven track record of helping companies like yours achieve real results. As the Co-founder of Yokel Local Internet Marketing and CEO of The MindShift Business Academy, Darrell and his teams have helped their clients generate over $300M in revenue online since 2011.

But Darrell isn't just an expert in the field of digital marketing. He's also the host of The MindShift Podcast and is the Founder of Growth Driven Entrepreneur where every week he coaches busineses owners on his signature growth frameworks: The Lean Growth Method, the 60-minute Brand Authority System and his C.O.R.E. Framework for getting better leads that close fast.

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