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Dan Norenberg

“Effective leadership is a team endeavor, and doesn't come through heroic soloists. It's a top down, not bottom up mission.”


About Me

Leadership and leadership development is too often seen as an individual activity; we spent far too much time trying to create heroic soloists. I believe leadership (and leadership development) is a team construct and starts at the top of the organization, not the bottom or the middle.

Only one out of twenty leadership teams have a systemic approach to continuous improvement for their leadership team. If you can't or won't drive continuous improvement in your leadership team, how can you drive continuous improvement across an entire business?

My work is helping leadership teams to play at their best.

My background is in psychology & criminology, ten years in California, leading sales and marketing teams, travelled to Europe for nine days, thirty years later I am still here, author of "Executive Ownershift, Creating Highly Effective Leadership Teams", describing my experiences and insights from over 150 leadership teams", led leadership initiatives in 26 countries with 76 nationalities, reside in Munich, Germany.

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