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Cwamne Howard

“Publicist and Host of Candid Conversations with KCrush.”


About Me

Cwamne Howard is a freelance publicist who specializes in media relations. Outside of PR, he contributes to KCrush America, an online publication that promotes Asian entertainment. He is also the host of their interview segment Candid Conversations with KCrush. In the past he wrote entertainment blogs for TC Social Club and short stories. He currently has business bylines with Quotable Magazine and the HR Daily Advisor.

Candid Conversations with KCrush:

Candid Conversations is an interview segment where KCrush listeners get to know more about an artist, writer, actor, podcaster etc. through a laid-back and open interview. It's absolutely an environment where hard hitting questions are not asked, it's more akin to mingling at a party.


  1. Length: 30-40 minutes
  2. Platform: Zoom / only audio will be used
  3. Views: Episode 1: 4,897, Episode 2: 63,952, Episode 3: 3,747, Episode 4: 3,709, Episode 5: 2,093
  4. Contact: Cwamne Howard at [email protected]

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[AUDIO] Episode 5 of Candid Conversations with KCrush: Corner Club

  In the latest episode of Candid Conversations with KCrush, we are joined with Mike and Sav of the indie pop duo Corner Club. Their music can be

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