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Profile artwork for Clinton Kirkpatrick

Clinton Kirkpatrick

“A visual artist interested in everything human. My work reflects upon the self, human timeline, mythology and the absurd. 2 books published.”


About Me

I wrote that I wanted to be an artist at 10 years old so it was always part of my psyche. I have had an interesting and varied life full of challenge. I was always a painter at heart although my work now explores painting, print, drawing, and collage. I'm always open to new experiences within the arts so long as it ties into my practice.

My work examines the human from individual, community and societal perspectives. I am fundamentally interested in how we function within the immediacy of our day to day and within the larger systems that hold society together like religion or politics. I am not religious but I am fascinated by it and, often, deities or forms will enter into my work.

I have published two books of drawings, one in 2018 and one in 2021.

I have travelled with my work, mainly to Kenya, East Africa, where I learned about a beautiful culture and space. I made work about it in response to my own experience and then, subsequently, made work exploring other Kenyan stories. This period of time was formative in my life as , personally and as an artist, as it allowed me to understand various nuances between black and white culture and to understand my own position much better.

I recently became a single foster parent, I am in a choir, I love my friends and I love life even with all its peaks and troughs!

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Profile artwork for Clinton Kirkpatrick
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