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Chris Tetreault-Blay

“Chris Tetreault-Blay - author and podcaster wants to connect and talk about all things creative”


About Me

Hi, I am Chris Tetreault-Blay and I am a published author and podcaster from South Devon, in the UK.

I have been writing for a number of years and had my debut novel 'Acolyte' published in 2015. I write mostly horror fiction, but in the last few years I have also had my first two children's picture books released. I am currently working on a couple of writing projects after taking a couple of years out, which I am hoping to start to publish by the end of 2022.

In the summer of 2020, I also started podcasting with the launch of my first show 'Dead Men Talk'. The first two seasons of the show were a mix of solo shows where I took deep-dives into my own work and the many influences behind them, and welcoming other authors to talk about their own work.

From season three, the show has evolved to more of an interview format where I now welcome guests from across the creative spectrums to discuss their careers and creative influences, including fellow authors, musicians, actors etc.

In 2020, I also launched 'Once Upon A Turnbuckle', dedicated to my childhood love of professional wrestling. Again, the series was a mix of solo episodes and special guest interviews.

In 2021, I moved both of my shows into video format on my YouTube channel and started to launch a third show, called 'Bite Size Britain'.

All of my shows are housed under my umbrella group called Dead Men's Tales Podcast network, and can be found on YouTube and across all major audio platforms.

I would love to get back out there as a guest to talk about my writing, podcasting and general creative impulses!

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