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Chris Lake

“Hi - I'm here to untangle the terrible two's. Toddler development is a transformative phase that can be demystified using consistent hacks.”


About Me

Chris Lake is a native New Yorker who has been working with children with delays across the past two decades. He got his Masters in both General and Special Education in 2012. With this he works with toddlers with delays to help them meet their milestones. He trains staff and parents to do the same. And in 2014, he started a nonprofit initially to advocate for children with lead poisoning. His nonprofit is Community for a Cause and has successfully worked to aid New Yorkers in all five boroughs as well as people abroad. Through both his work and his charity, Chris Lake is committed to doing all he can to help those in New York who are without a voice and all those who are in need of support. In looking to expand his ability to provide for new parents of children with or without delays, he wrote his book “How to Help Your Toddler Meet Their Milestones: 101 Developmental Behavior Hacks.” His goal is to give families and child care providers a time-tested blueprint of how to develop children using an evidence-based practice.

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