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Chris Janke

“Experienced personal trainer, author, and podcaster... father of four under age 10.”


About Me

Hi, I'm Chris Janke, and I'm the host of Health in the Real World. As a seasoned personal trainer of 16 years, I have a lot to offer.

I've been a trainer since 2004, and have helped hundreds of people achieve their fitness goals in a way that's safe and sustainable.

I am also a health and fitness writer of varied books about how to improve your life. view my books.

I'm a single father of 4, all my kids under 10 years old. I know what it's like to juggle life's challenges, while still staying committed to my personal health and wellness.

Get in touch with me on LinkedIn, or email me at [email protected]

Thanks for the opportunity, and I look forward to meeting you.

In health,


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