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Cheryl Becker

“Declutter Your Home, Organize Your Life, and Build Habits to give you control. Supporting the Dressmaking at Home Lifestyle”


About Me

Hats off to all Women, especially those who sew their own dresses while facing the daily demands of home life and raising the family.

Most dressmakers' goal is to sew a dress that fits right.

Look beautiful, and feel confident.

It's so hard to do.

Sometimes you get lucky, However most of the time they settle for something less.

You see it's not their fault!

The demands of home life are real, not leaving them with much time.

The Dressmaking At Home lifestyle is all about having the home and family organized, feeling controlled, and ready for anything.

So that you have the time to sew the dress that will fit.

Interested in the following topics:

  • Dress patterns
  • Sewing dresses
  • Dress fitting
  • Homemaking
  • Daily home routines
  • Home time management
  • Raising children
  • making Cooking, laundry, and cleaning doable

I would love for the opportunity to be on your podcast to inspire other women who are interested in the Dressmaking at-home lifestyle.

Send me a message and let's see if we are a good fit.

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