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Charlene Norman

“Truth Teller for Business Owners, CEOs & Founders who want to play smarter. Founder & Host of the 5Cs podcast, book and community”


About Me

I will show your listeners some of what is possible in their world. No gimmicks and no tricks. Just the truth.

I help my clients navigate the change around them, so they can stand confidently committed to their hopes and dreams of leaving a legacy.

As a matter of fact, here is my promise:

* help you move your business to a stronger, more impactful and profitable position.

* give you both positive and negative sides of whatever action you want to take.

* get you back to better than you ever were.

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* I can't say I have been where you are today. However, I have experienced similar feelings. Exhausted from leading organizations through wars, recessions, hyper-inflationary crazy times, SARS, takeovers and more. Bone tired from playing the Big Boss. Frustrated at how parts of my soul seemed forever gone.

* The day I woke up from a viral infection gone wrong is the day I learned what no confidence really means. So, I took what I had learned to solve any corporate problem and turned it all inward. My doctors still call me a minor medical miracle.

I speak a much different language from most business coaches and mentors. A cross between the old-fashioned and the cutting edge. I have a 360 view of the business world (from playing the big Boss in companies with toplines ranging from $30 million to nearly a billion) And from the lived experience of recovering 150% from two seizures, two strokes and a week in a coma.

I share all my knowledge, mistakes and successes, failures and shortcuts with those who are committed to their own personal and professional success. And apparently, I give fun interviews too!

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