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Caroline Brown

“I’m living , loving and accepting the crazy over 40s life . With the toolbox to help others too.”


About Me

Caroline Brown works as an Emotional Wellness Coach in London and is the podcast host of the “Crazy Over 40s Life.” It was her own journey that inspired her to create this platform. She found herself starting over in many facets of life during her 40s. Juggling life as a mumpreneur, author and divorcee.She loves sharing personal experiences and emotional wellness strategies with her audience—and now hopes her writing can reach many others navigating this challenging phase.She says that life doesn’t come with a road map and if it didn't get the message.Being over 40 does come with wisdom, Relationships, parenting skills, emotional wellness and most importantly keeping it authentic unapologetically.In addition to life coaching, she is an experienced Integrative Therapist (person-centred and psychodynamic), clinical trauma professional, and has an MSC in Psychology.

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Available on Amazon link The 5 Step Challenge to Understanding Your Crazy Over 40s life. This book explains why its understandable that we experience a range of negative emotions including guilt, resentment and insecurities, which can prevent us from moving forward in our lives. She hopes that these 5 steps can challenge your potential, so that you can live life to the fullest. 

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