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Bogdan Chugunov

“I help educate people about high quality manuka honey and alternative medicine from around the world”


About Me

My name is Bogdan and I’m a Ukrainian immigrant living in the US for the last 24 years.

Since beating cancer in 2005, I've dedicated my life to educate others about alternative medicine and functional foods collected from all around the world.

I am a brand owner/importer/distributor of high graded manuka honey and consider myself to be an expert in all things manuka honey! In 2014, I traveled to New Zealand to learn about the manuka honey industry from those who manufacture the best manuka honey in the world.

I currently have a brand ( where I sell high quality bee hive products, mother earth products, and provide educational resources.

I recently started a YouTube channel “Manuka Honey Guru” (link below) where I showcase practical healing tips about manuka honey and other folks medicine substances. I also share how to tell the difference between real and fake manuka honey. 

Besides bee products, I also work with “witchcraft like” products including beaver castoreum, maral antler's powder, cedar sap blend, and many others.

Finally, I pose myself as a "guinea pig" who tests all natural remedies on myself before recommending anything to others. 

While I mainly speak to people over the age of 50, much of my knowledge is for any audience interested in optimizing their health with alternative medicine.

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