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Big Steppa

“'Talk fashion,events,music(hip hop)and teenage environmental solutions and issues,I am the right teenager to invite.”


About Me

Myself: My name is Mcedisi Boitumelo but I am mostly known as Steppa which comes from Big steppa my stage name.I am an orphan i was raised by my grandmother.Growing up i loved music(hip hop).I have a fluent accent when i socialize.Old or young you might learn something useful from me.

experience: Not so long ago i wanted to start a podcast but finance was not well,that is my only reason other than that i was ready,i went to a public school but i tought a few or alot actually of my peers from private schools how to be fluent with words especially

My value to the conversation:It might be whatever we are conversating about,it will probably help others like me or any other orphan who is going through some challenges.

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