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Aurora Meneghello

““Working with Aurora was truly a life changing experience.“ - former client - I help people live life and work from a place of inner wisdom.”


About Me

I work with individuals and groups looking to live a life of purpose and grow into their full potential.

I practice Transformative Coaching and I am the Founder of Repurpose Your Purpose, a program to help people change careers by using what they already know to do something new.

If you are looking to awaken to your own innate wellbeing and to create a life you love, let's talk. I am afraid if you are looking to be “fixed,” you will get no help here. I spent decades trying to "fix" what was wrong with me, but I could never fix myself because there was nothing to be fixed. Once I awoke to my own Self, to that place inside of me that is already part of everything, life transformed.

This is what I dedicated my life to: supporting others in awakening to their own innate wellbeing. Once you see yourself as you truly are, the rest flows.

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