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Andrea Hancock

“The Founder & Director of Biz Development for Dexterous Organizing. We help busy people gain clarity and calm using organization & coaching.”


About Me

As the founder & director of Dexterous Organizing (DO), I help busy people & work with professionals to provide clarity & calm through organization, productivity coaching, & relocation management. 

I understand the value of living in an organized environment & living life with a purpose & a plan. As I continue the journey of living a consistently organized life, I love teaching others to do so as well.

DO is a results-oriented lifestyle company for professionals & families in the Washington, DC Metro area. We believe that our clients are whole & capable of creating the life they want to live. We strive to be assistants & gentle guides in the journey of organization & productivity fitness. During the process, you might even have fun with us!

I also speak to organizations & help provide knowledge on organizational issues & tips on overcoming challenges with clutter, time management, & use of technology to lead a more productive life.

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