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Amy White

“The aging status quo - no energy, constant hunger, lousy sleep and an ever expanding waist line. Don't settle, you can be better than this.”


About Me

I am a board certified holistic nutritionist and functional nutrition and lifestyle practitioner who believes anyone can go from Hangry to Healthy™ if they want to.

My 3 step process takes those who want more than the unhealthy status quo (discomfort, lack of mobility, brain fog, medications and an ever increasing waistline) into a balanced body that naturally supports health and long-term wellness.

Optimal body function and a healthy body weight can be a natural result of living a normal life without a dieting mindset. It's the difference between goal attachment vs. commitment.

Attachment makes every success or failure personal. When attached to a goal the journey is heavy and hard. Everything is all or nothing. Perfection is the focus with an intolerance for miss-steps and unexpected (less than positive) results.

Commitment to a goal is all about growing into a stronger person, one who doesn't quit. When committed, a failure is just an opportunity to learn and adjust. Commitment to a goal feels fun and exciting. It creates a natural sense of curiosity and creativity because it's all about figuring things out.

Embracing your healthiest self is more than just diet and exercise. It's about having grit and trusting yourself. It's about knowing time is your ally because there is no finish line. Age is just a number and aging well is possible for those who want it.

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