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Amy Sinha

“NOW appearing on OVER 50 podcasts! A fun fairy living with extreme rare physical/mental challenges with a sense of purpose & Breathing. 😀”


About Me

Hi there podcasters.

My name is Amy, a British Asian vocalist, songwriter, presenter, voice over artist & entrepreneur from Wales in the U.K…. My future goal is stand up comedy….or not. 😳😂

I help add value to people through my voice & by teaching other entrepreneurs learn how to use their voice effectively & with confidence, creating better engagement with colleagues, audience, etc.

firstly, I love to talk and laugh and have many funny stories to share about life being short, partially sighted, dating disasters, stepping on plug injuries….😳

I love books, films, sci-fis to religion and spirituality. AND Not to sound like a dating ad, but I’m honest, lively, I have a terrific sense of humour and more importantly I am non -judgmental. This doesn’t even cover what growing up as an Indian in a society that was gravely lacking in diversity.

I am Definitely YOUR perfect match! 😉

So, here’s my VERY UNIQUE story -

I’m the youngest of three sisters & was submerged in music from an early age. I entered my first talent contest aged six, singing “Somewhere over the Rainbow”, this marked the beginning of my love of music and performance. I studied classical piano and singing, but also developed an intimate love affair with Jazz in my teens. A difficult and mature genre that touched me very deeply. Possibly because the complexity of this style reflected the events that were occurring in my life during the initial stages of my newfound developing passion.

I experienced some rare medical conditions in my early years, being declared as being one out of only 5 children like me in the U.K at the time. 

The ongoing traumas of my early childhood inevitably played a major role in suppressing my confidence throughout my life. But I went on to graduate from Leeds College of Music with a BA (Hons) Degree in music specialising in Jazz. I released my debut album in 2012 called ‘A Sin With Love’, then 3 more singles after that.  I also realeased 2 singles with a New York record label.

In the latter part of 2019, I decided to explore something different, and embarked on a sidestep into voice overs, voicing for Radio, Corporate events, international voicemail, businesses, animation and experimental poetry.

I have a YouTube channel where she has interviewed musicians, such as Ronnie Scott’s Saxophonist, Derek Nash, Rat Pack legend, Buddy Greco and Clint Eastwood’s son, Kyle Eastwood

At the start of 2021, i was chosen to participate & have now completed a Business Acceleration Growth course run by the Welsh Government here in Wales, where I went on to win The Accelerator Award - something I am very proud of!

email - [email protected]

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