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Amy Conway-Hatcher

“I'm a great storyteller & career mom sharing the unvarnished "real deal" for working women. I'm practical, creative, strategic, realistic.”


About Me

I am a fierce advocate, lawyer, warrior career mom, and former federal prosecutor. After decades of managing 24/7 crises, climbing to the upper echelons of Big Law, and sacrificing family for career, I did the unthinkable. I left my high-paying equity partner job and an unsustainable reclaim my life and honor my kids.

I wrote Infinitely More to shine a spotlight on systemic workplace inequities that hold women back and wear them down. Through witty and darkly humorous story-telling, I tell it like it is and explain how imbalances in the system disproportionately impact women. Through the lens of my own career and confirmed by stories collected from others, I explain why women leave big jobs and how leaders lose them, including the impact of culture, exclusion, and bias. I explain the impact the exodus of women will have for future generations. I challenge leaders to take bolder actions to fix uneven playing fields (or own their decision not to), while also advocating for women to stand firmly in control of their careers. I hope to start a conversation so everyone can share their stories, learn from each other, and BE Accountable - to our kids and future generations.

Today, I am a partner in a boutique law firm specializing in complex legal problems, and I continue to serve as the first woman Special Counsel to the Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure for the District of Columbia,

I am relaunching and reconstructing my career and life to align with my purpose. I've survived Burnout - and, now, I am THRIVING as an advocate, author, speaker, and mom of teens. 

Understanding #whywomenleave so #wecandobetter.

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