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Profile artwork for Alexander Robinson

Alexander Robinson

“As a visual artist & podcast host, I can provide your listeners with a unique perspective on creativity, relationships & social issues.”


About Me

I'm a Toronto based visual artist and creative thinker. My artwork has been featured in a wide range of highly regarded publications and I am the host of an arts-based podcast as well. As a creative who loves good conversation, I can offer unique perspectives on topics like relationships, mental health, social issues, pop culture, the creative process, finding inspiration, and so much more.

A testament to my love for great conversation is the fact that I have my own podcast 'Art is Human Nature.' Being someone who is already familiar with the podcast process, I would be a guest who requires very little briefing and I can provide excellent talking points and standout thought-provoking quotes that'll catch the attention of your listeners.

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Profile artwork for Alexander Robinson
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