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Alaura Lovelight

“Teaching Creatives Like You How to Monetize Your Podcast, Show, Film, Music Video & Blog! Send a Message to learn my 3-step Process”


About Me

Are you a podcaster, musician, film maker or blogger and you're ready to start monetizing your creative project but you feel like 'I don't even know how to' or 'I don't think I can yet'?

I hear the same thing from almost everyone of my clients, and guess what? They all come to me with multiples ways they ALREADY HAVE to monetize but they just don't know it.

We live in a world where creatives seem to think social media is the only way to monetize but that's just not true. There are tons of ways for you to start monetizing your creative project today and you're probably sitting on a few of them already and just don't realize it!

If you're ready to start monetizing your creative project, Message me the word CREATE and I will send you my 3-step proven process that has helped myself and other creatives make thousands of dollars on their creative projects.

Can't wait to hear what you're creating!

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